Software Development Engineer Intern - Amazon
Jun. 2022 - Sep. 2022
- Proposed 4 different approaches with pros and cons for designing a configurable UI model to satisfy expanding business needs; Completed and kept updating the design doc and UI mocks
- Implemented data models and APIs for business configuration using Java and created a TypeScript client to integrate backend service with frontend so that the frontend app can be easily configured with specific business configuration
- Set up a React application from scratch including web page layout, project folder structure, and page redirection; Constructed the Redux Store for data management of the application
- Implemented 3 subpages of the whole project using TypeScript and React, which include functions like list and pagination, editing and saving, and creating new data; Implemented over 10 extensible template components for future use
Software Engineer Intern - Unity
Mar. 2021 - Aug. 2021, Genesis
- Developed full-stack implementation for features like top-rated publishers section and page views of each product in Unity Asset Store system using Golang, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, increasing both views and sales of top-rated products
- Designed and built 16 APIs using Golang, GraphQL, and Solr, providing user and publisher oriented content like asset package information, publisher rating, and user profiles
- Created MongoDB database and designed data storage format for Asset Store system; Conducted daily data management and uploaded data feed to Google Cloud Storage(GCS) using CronJob
- Implemented Feedback and Download function, and upgraded Pagination function for Dragon Asset Vetting system using Node.js, TypeScript, and Angular, saving the total vetting time for content specialists by 21%
Software Development Engineer Intern - iFlytek
Jun. 2020 - Feb. 2021, Brain Science Group
- Implemented functional testing, compatibility testing, and interface testing for 9 modules of the Children’s Brain and Intelligence Development platform according to the functions of the system and integration of the modules, achieving a 100% success rate of product launch for each module
- Managed the system database and created large amounts of data using Python to simulate real-world situations and test the system, which guaranteed that its quality could meet the requirements of the national project
- Constructed the underlying query logic of the system for data record and sample tracking using MySQL